Home & Garden
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On Monday, July 6, Rechler Equity Partners submitted their third and latest proposal for the former Island Hills Golf Course in Sayville on Lakeland Avenue. The new proposal is named …

Steven Niciforo plays the bass in the band Kool Spektrum, a group of fellow musicians that play classic rock covers, who, like Niciforo, are also on the autism spectrum. The band often plays at Rock …

“Well, the first days are the hardest days, don’t you worry anymore,” the Grateful Dead sing in “Uncle John’s Band.”  The family and friends of Janet …

Earlier this month, Blue Point residents on Middle Road reported on social media that portions of their front lawn had been taken up by county workers causing widespread aesthetic damage to their …

Despite the rain, members of the Sayville community gathered together to honor those who lost their lives fighting for our country. With pride, patriotically dressed attendees lined Main Street …

Brian Robinson, who has produced Macy’s Flower Shows for the last eight years, entertained the Sayville Garden Club’s Spring Luncheon as the key speaker this year. Robinson is the …

BAYPORT-BLUE POINT Over the last three years, the Bayport-Blue Point school budget has come under the tax levy cap, but this year, the budget will come right up to the cap, which is set at 3.91 …

On Saturday, May 4, the Sayville Farmers’ Market began their season that runs until November from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Islip Grange Park on Broadway Avenue. “Last year our patrons …

On Saturday, April 20, volunteers took to cleaning up areas in downtown Main Street and surrounding parts of Sayville. Over a dozen trash bags were collected from debris that had accumulated …

Plans by waste disposal company Winters Bros. to run a rail line through some of the last undeveloped land in Yaphank to serve what opponents say would be the largest waste transfer station in state …

Under the Consolidated Appropriations Act that was passed last month, congressman Andrew Garbarino (R-2 nd District) was able to secure $2 million for the Oakdale sewer project. Last July, …

On Sunday, April 14, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., the Sayville Fire House (located at 107 North Main Street) will be giving away smoke detectors for community members who are residents of the Sayville …

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